Just wanted to loop back to the class i taught last month at MidWest Mellow in Des Moines Iowa and how much fun we all had. I have a pretty good 3 day class structure in murrine layed out that covers building, processing and application. One nice thing about murrine is that i can take glassblowers from all experience levels and have them leaving the class with a good amount of usable murrine knowledge.

It was a three day intensive class, filled with lots of demos and lots of hands on working time with me giving students one on one instruction. We worked into the night every night, ate good food together and talked about all shorts of stuff, iy was a good time. Up top is some samples of murrine the class made. i I made a bolt cutter for my demo in murrine making. I am available for class, every time i do it it reminds me even more how i enjoy getting down in that kind of environment. Lets do some more!